Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hi guys. After Prague we came to Spindleruv Myln for Mamas race up in Czech. We like it here. It's been fun. I met some new people including one of our new teammates Mikaela and I like her. I drove my hot wheels around the hotel, watched the surf contest from Australia, cheered for Mama, played with the girls on tour, and as usual I ran the hallways in our hotel.  Here are some random shots from the race. 
This is our hotel room in Spindleruv Myln. 

Watchin' Mama race in the Czech Republic

This is Mitch. I like Mitch. Check out this video of her on YouTube I love it:

Athlete Loungin

Walkin on the moon.
I'm kind of an attraction in the athlete lounge between runs. 
Watching the race with my new friend. 
On the road back to Telfs. 


  1. Moonwalking es mi favorita! Cool Video tambien, Lasse

  2. que fantástica vida tienes Lasse, suertudo
